Mobile file management

Mobile file management (MFM) is a type of information technology (IT) software that allows businesses to manage transfers and storage of corporate files and other related items on a mobile device, and allows the business to oversee user access. Mobile file management software is typically installed on a corporate file server like Windows 2008, and on a mobile device such as tablet computers and smartphones, e.g., Android, iPad, iPhone, etc. Other features include the ability to remotely wipe a lost or stolen device, access, cache and store files on a mobile device and integrate with file permission solutions like those from Microsoft's Active Directory.

Mobile file management

Mobile file management (MFM) is a type of information technology (IT) software that allows businesses to manage transfers and storage of corporate files and other related items on a mobile device, and allows the business to oversee user access. Mobile file management software is typically installed on a corporate file server like Windows 2008, and on a mobile device such as tablet computers and smartphones, e.g., Android, iPad, iPhone, etc. Other features include the ability to remotely wipe a lost or stolen device, access, cache and store files on a mobile device and integrate with file permission solutions like those from Microsoft's Active Directory.