Moderate Muslim

Moderate Islam, moderation in Islam and moderate muslim is a label used within counterterrorism discourse as the complement of "Islamic extremism", implying that the support of Islamic terrorism is the characteristic of a "radical" faction within Islam, and that there is a "moderate" faction of Muslims who denounce extremist violence such as Islamic terrorism, militant Jihadism and radical Islamism. And thus we have made you a wasat (moderate) community that you will be witnesses over the people. — Al-Baqara, 2: 143

Moderate Muslim

Moderate Islam, moderation in Islam and moderate muslim is a label used within counterterrorism discourse as the complement of "Islamic extremism", implying that the support of Islamic terrorism is the characteristic of a "radical" faction within Islam, and that there is a "moderate" faction of Muslims who denounce extremist violence such as Islamic terrorism, militant Jihadism and radical Islamism. And thus we have made you a wasat (moderate) community that you will be witnesses over the people. — Al-Baqara, 2: 143