Moderates (Liberal Party of Australia)

Moderates, also known as "Modern Liberals" or "Small-l liberals", are members, supporters, or voters of the Liberal Party of Australia who are economically conservative, but progressive on social and environmental policies. Prominent moderates includes former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, former Foreign Affairs Minister and former Deputy Leader Julie Bishop, former Defence Minister Christopher Pyne, and former Attorney-General George Brandis. Prominent moderates in the Morrison Government includes Simon Birmingham, Marise Payne, Paul Fletcher, and Linda Reynolds. Moderate Liberals represent inner-city and wealthy Lower House seats or are in the Senate.

Moderates (Liberal Party of Australia)

Moderates, also known as "Modern Liberals" or "Small-l liberals", are members, supporters, or voters of the Liberal Party of Australia who are economically conservative, but progressive on social and environmental policies. Prominent moderates includes former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, former Foreign Affairs Minister and former Deputy Leader Julie Bishop, former Defence Minister Christopher Pyne, and former Attorney-General George Brandis. Prominent moderates in the Morrison Government includes Simon Birmingham, Marise Payne, Paul Fletcher, and Linda Reynolds. Moderate Liberals represent inner-city and wealthy Lower House seats or are in the Senate.