Modern Female Ninja: Flesh Hell

Modern Female Ninja: Flesh Hell (現代くノ一肉地獄, Gendai Kunoichi Niku Jigoku) aka Inferno of the Flesh is a 1968 Japanese pink film directed by Kan Mukai. It is in the part-color format which was used in pink films in the late 1960s and early 1970s before full-color was made standard with the introduction of Nikkatsu's Roman porno series.

Modern Female Ninja: Flesh Hell

Modern Female Ninja: Flesh Hell (現代くノ一肉地獄, Gendai Kunoichi Niku Jigoku) aka Inferno of the Flesh is a 1968 Japanese pink film directed by Kan Mukai. It is in the part-color format which was used in pink films in the late 1960s and early 1970s before full-color was made standard with the introduction of Nikkatsu's Roman porno series.