Modern Sign Language communication

Sign Language communication is a system of communication using visual gestures and signs, as used by deaf people. A unique property of Sign Language is that it is not easy to put on paper due to a lack of formal acceptance, and is impossible to be mediated over the phone or in a plain email. Because of its three-dimensional nature, it can only be transferred in the form of timed two or three dimensional snapshots, also known as a video. The video itself has to be large and fast enough to capture sign language movements sufficiently.

Modern Sign Language communication

Sign Language communication is a system of communication using visual gestures and signs, as used by deaf people. A unique property of Sign Language is that it is not easy to put on paper due to a lack of formal acceptance, and is impossible to be mediated over the phone or in a plain email. Because of its three-dimensional nature, it can only be transferred in the form of timed two or three dimensional snapshots, also known as a video. The video itself has to be large and fast enough to capture sign language movements sufficiently.