Mohammad-Hadi Ma'refat

Mohammad-Hadi Ma'refat (1931 in Karbala – 2007 in Qom) was a Shi'a scholar, clergyman, researcher on Quranic studies and interpretation, and the founder and former president of Tamhid Cultural Institute. He is the descendant of Shaykh Abd-al-'Ali Meysi, the author of Risalah Meysiyyah. He was a member of "Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom" and he held the title of Ayatollah. He had many influential works in the field of Quranic studies such as "Al-Tamhid fi al-'Ulum al-Quran", "Siyanah Al-Quran min-al-Tahrif", "Al-Tafsir wa-al-Mufassirun fi Thawbah al-Qashib", and "Tafsir al-Athari al-Jami". He is buried in Fatima Masumeh Shrine in the city of Qom.

Mohammad-Hadi Ma'refat

Mohammad-Hadi Ma'refat (1931 in Karbala – 2007 in Qom) was a Shi'a scholar, clergyman, researcher on Quranic studies and interpretation, and the founder and former president of Tamhid Cultural Institute. He is the descendant of Shaykh Abd-al-'Ali Meysi, the author of Risalah Meysiyyah. He was a member of "Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom" and he held the title of Ayatollah. He had many influential works in the field of Quranic studies such as "Al-Tamhid fi al-'Ulum al-Quran", "Siyanah Al-Quran min-al-Tahrif", "Al-Tafsir wa-al-Mufassirun fi Thawbah al-Qashib", and "Tafsir al-Athari al-Jami". He is buried in Fatima Masumeh Shrine in the city of Qom.