Mohammad Seddigh Kaboudvand

Mohammad Sadiq Kaboudvand (Kurdish: موحەممەد سەدیق کەبودوەند‎, born on 23 March 1963) is an Iranian Kurdish activist and journalist born in Divandarreh. He was the editor of Payam-e Mardom. He is also the founder of Kurdistan Human Rights Organization (Rêxistina Mafê Mirovan li Kurdistanê in Kurdish). Founded in 2005, the organization is a politically and religiously independent body. It has offices in Tehran and Kurdistan province.

Mohammad Seddigh Kaboudvand

Mohammad Sadiq Kaboudvand (Kurdish: موحەممەد سەدیق کەبودوەند‎, born on 23 March 1963) is an Iranian Kurdish activist and journalist born in Divandarreh. He was the editor of Payam-e Mardom. He is also the founder of Kurdistan Human Rights Organization (Rêxistina Mafê Mirovan li Kurdistanê in Kurdish). Founded in 2005, the organization is a politically and religiously independent body. It has offices in Tehran and Kurdistan province.