Mollie Slott

Mollie Slott (April 19, 1893 – January 24, 1967) was an American journalist, who became one of the nation's best known figures in the newspaper syndicate industry. In 1946, Slott was chosen as Chicago-Tribune New York Daily news syndicate manager, becoming the first female manager in the syndicate history; In 1955, she was promoted to syndicate vice president, and in 1961, she was promoted to director. Slott was a member of the National Women's Press Club, the New York Newspaper Women's Club, and the Overseas Press Club.

Mollie Slott

Mollie Slott (April 19, 1893 – January 24, 1967) was an American journalist, who became one of the nation's best known figures in the newspaper syndicate industry. In 1946, Slott was chosen as Chicago-Tribune New York Daily news syndicate manager, becoming the first female manager in the syndicate history; In 1955, she was promoted to syndicate vice president, and in 1961, she was promoted to director. Slott was a member of the National Women's Press Club, the New York Newspaper Women's Club, and the Overseas Press Club.