Monastery of the Holy Trinity, Hebron

The Metochion or Monastery of the Holy Trinity with the Church of the Holy Forefathers at Abraham's Oak in Hebron (Russian: Троицкий монастырь и храм св. Праотцев в Хевроне, lit. "Monastery of the Trinity and Church of the Holy Forefathers in Hebron", Hebrew: מנזר השילוש הקדוש בחברון‎, Arabic: كنيسة المسكوبية‎) is a Russian Orthodox monastery in Hebron founded in the 20th century on the site of the ancient Oak of Mamre. The lands were acquired by for the Russian Church in the 19th century and later expanded. It was held by ROCOR until 1997 when Palestinian police seized it and turned it over to the Moscow Patriarchate. Ownership disputes continue.

Monastery of the Holy Trinity, Hebron

The Metochion or Monastery of the Holy Trinity with the Church of the Holy Forefathers at Abraham's Oak in Hebron (Russian: Троицкий монастырь и храм св. Праотцев в Хевроне, lit. "Monastery of the Trinity and Church of the Holy Forefathers in Hebron", Hebrew: מנזר השילוש הקדוש בחברון‎, Arabic: كنيسة المسكوبية‎) is a Russian Orthodox monastery in Hebron founded in the 20th century on the site of the ancient Oak of Mamre. The lands were acquired by for the Russian Church in the 19th century and later expanded. It was held by ROCOR until 1997 when Palestinian police seized it and turned it over to the Moscow Patriarchate. Ownership disputes continue.