Montes (journal)

Revista Montes (Journal of Forestry) is a Spanish scientific journal of forestry. One of the oldest, still-publishing journals of forestry in the world, it was established in 1868. Over the years there have been some changes of title and periods in which the journal did not appear. The word "Montes" in the journal's title is used to mean forestry, although the Spanish word can also refer to hills.

Montes (journal)

Revista Montes (Journal of Forestry) is a Spanish scientific journal of forestry. One of the oldest, still-publishing journals of forestry in the world, it was established in 1868. Over the years there have been some changes of title and periods in which the journal did not appear. The word "Montes" in the journal's title is used to mean forestry, although the Spanish word can also refer to hills.