
Moramanga is a city (commune urbaine) in Madagascar. It is located in the region Alaotra-Mangoro and the Moramanga District.It has a population of 57084 inhabitants (2018). It is situated between the capital Antananarivo and the east coast on the crossroad of RN 2 and RN 44.The name of Moranmanga originates from the slave trade. To differ them from other social classes, they were dressed in blue or manga.As they were among the cheapest (mora) in Africa, it became Moramanga.


Moramanga is a city (commune urbaine) in Madagascar. It is located in the region Alaotra-Mangoro and the Moramanga District.It has a population of 57084 inhabitants (2018). It is situated between the capital Antananarivo and the east coast on the crossroad of RN 2 and RN 44.The name of Moranmanga originates from the slave trade. To differ them from other social classes, they were dressed in blue or manga.As they were among the cheapest (mora) in Africa, it became Moramanga.