Mormon pornography

Mormon pornography is a subgenre of pornography themed around the Mormon religion. According to the journalist Isha Aran, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) views Mormon pornography as blasphemous, and most directors and performers in Mormon pornography are ex-Mormons. Mormon pornography typically depicts sex acts between actors and/or actresses portraying members of the LDS Church. Mormon elders are depicted as domineering over their multiple wives, who obediently submit to their husband's commands, treating participation in the act as a sacred duty. Performers may be (initially) dressed in Mormon underwear, and the setting may be the inside of a Mormon temple. In accordance with stereotyped Mormon norms, profane language is absent.

Mormon pornography

Mormon pornography is a subgenre of pornography themed around the Mormon religion. According to the journalist Isha Aran, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) views Mormon pornography as blasphemous, and most directors and performers in Mormon pornography are ex-Mormons. Mormon pornography typically depicts sex acts between actors and/or actresses portraying members of the LDS Church. Mormon elders are depicted as domineering over their multiple wives, who obediently submit to their husband's commands, treating participation in the act as a sacred duty. Performers may be (initially) dressed in Mormon underwear, and the setting may be the inside of a Mormon temple. In accordance with stereotyped Mormon norms, profane language is absent.