
Morrowites, named by Cobban and Hook, 1983, is a moderate to large-sized ammonite with quadrangular to depressed whorls, broadly rounded to depressed venter, low ribs, umbilical and inner and outer ventrolateral tubercles and smooth early whorls except for occasional ribs along weak constrictions. The suture is moderately simple and has an unusually broad bifid first lateral lobe. It is so far restricted to the Lower Turonian stage, in the mid Cretaceous.


Morrowites, named by Cobban and Hook, 1983, is a moderate to large-sized ammonite with quadrangular to depressed whorls, broadly rounded to depressed venter, low ribs, umbilical and inner and outer ventrolateral tubercles and smooth early whorls except for occasional ribs along weak constrictions. The suture is moderately simple and has an unusually broad bifid first lateral lobe. It is so far restricted to the Lower Turonian stage, in the mid Cretaceous.