Moses ben Mordecai Bassola

Moses ben Mordecai Bassola (or simply: Moses Bassola, Alternative spelling: Basilea, Basila: Hebrew באסולה or simply: משה באסולה; Alternative Hebrew spelling: באזלה,איש באזולה,ב(א)סולה, באסל,באזילא); born 1480 (year ה'ר"מ, Hebrew calendar), in Pesaro, Italy - died in 1560 (year ה'ש"כ, Hebrew calendar) ) was a Rabbi and a cabalist. His travel book has been published in English and modern Hebrew by Abraham David under the titles In Zion and Jerusalem: The Itinerary of Rabbi Moses Basola (1521–1523). (Jerusalem: C. G. Foundation Jerusalem Project Publications, 1999. 148 pp. [English], 48 pp. [Hebrew].)

Moses ben Mordecai Bassola

Moses ben Mordecai Bassola (or simply: Moses Bassola, Alternative spelling: Basilea, Basila: Hebrew באסולה or simply: משה באסולה; Alternative Hebrew spelling: באזלה,איש באזולה,ב(א)סולה, באסל,באזילא); born 1480 (year ה'ר"מ, Hebrew calendar), in Pesaro, Italy - died in 1560 (year ה'ש"כ, Hebrew calendar) ) was a Rabbi and a cabalist. His travel book has been published in English and modern Hebrew by Abraham David under the titles In Zion and Jerusalem: The Itinerary of Rabbi Moses Basola (1521–1523). (Jerusalem: C. G. Foundation Jerusalem Project Publications, 1999. 148 pp. [English], 48 pp. [Hebrew].)