
Mossehaus is an office building on 18–25 Schützenstrasse in Berlin, renovated and with a corner designed by Erich Mendelsohn between 1921 and 1923. The original Mosse building housed the printing press and offices of the newspapers owned by Rudolf Mosse, mainly liberal newspapers such as the Berliner Tageblatt. The sandstone-fronted historicist 1901 building by Cremer & Wolffenstein was badly damaged in 1919 during the Spartacist uprising; held by the insurrectionists, it was laid under siege by government troops.


Mossehaus is an office building on 18–25 Schützenstrasse in Berlin, renovated and with a corner designed by Erich Mendelsohn between 1921 and 1923. The original Mosse building housed the printing press and offices of the newspapers owned by Rudolf Mosse, mainly liberal newspapers such as the Berliner Tageblatt. The sandstone-fronted historicist 1901 building by Cremer & Wolffenstein was badly damaged in 1919 during the Spartacist uprising; held by the insurrectionists, it was laid under siege by government troops.