Mount McIntyre, South Australia

Mount McIntyre is a locality in the Australian state of South Australia located in the state’s south-east about 388 kilometres (241 mi) south-east of the state capital of Adelaide and about 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) east of the municipal seat in Millicent. Land use within Mount McIntyre is zoned as primary production. The 2016 Australian census which was conducted in August 2016 reports that Mount McIntyre had a population of 70 people.

Mount McIntyre, South Australia

Mount McIntyre is a locality in the Australian state of South Australia located in the state’s south-east about 388 kilometres (241 mi) south-east of the state capital of Adelaide and about 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) east of the municipal seat in Millicent. Land use within Mount McIntyre is zoned as primary production. The 2016 Australian census which was conducted in August 2016 reports that Mount McIntyre had a population of 70 people.