Mount Street Club

The Mount Street Club was a charity in Ireland for the unemployed of Dublin. Its premises were at 81–82 Lower Mount Street, allotments beside the railway line at Sydney Parade and Merrion, and a farm in Clondalkin. Men as members could earn ‘tallies’ which they could exchange for food, clothing, fuel or furniture on a barter or time-banking system. It was founded in 1934 by James Hardress de Warenne Waller and Philip Somerville-Large. Members produced or obtained food, clothing, and furniture. Lessons in making and repairing works were given, and applied to items donated to the club. The clubhouse had leisure facilities, a kitchen and dining-room for 100, workshops, washing facilities, and a barbershop. The club was most successful during The Emergency of the Second World War, when it had

Mount Street Club

The Mount Street Club was a charity in Ireland for the unemployed of Dublin. Its premises were at 81–82 Lower Mount Street, allotments beside the railway line at Sydney Parade and Merrion, and a farm in Clondalkin. Men as members could earn ‘tallies’ which they could exchange for food, clothing, fuel or furniture on a barter or time-banking system. It was founded in 1934 by James Hardress de Warenne Waller and Philip Somerville-Large. Members produced or obtained food, clothing, and furniture. Lessons in making and repairing works were given, and applied to items donated to the club. The clubhouse had leisure facilities, a kitchen and dining-room for 100, workshops, washing facilities, and a barbershop. The club was most successful during The Emergency of the Second World War, when it had