Muhammad ibn Ali al-Armani

Muhammad ibn Ali al-Armani (Arabic: محمد بن علي الأرمني‎) was the son of the Abbasid military commander Ali al-Armani ("Ali the Armenian"), celebrated for leading several campaigns against the Byzantine Empire during his tenure as governor of Tarsus, from ca. 852/3 to 862. Muhammad himself was appointed to the same post in 872, after the nominated governor died before taking up the post, and held it until he was killed by the Byzantines in 873.

Muhammad ibn Ali al-Armani

Muhammad ibn Ali al-Armani (Arabic: محمد بن علي الأرمني‎) was the son of the Abbasid military commander Ali al-Armani ("Ali the Armenian"), celebrated for leading several campaigns against the Byzantine Empire during his tenure as governor of Tarsus, from ca. 852/3 to 862. Muhammad himself was appointed to the same post in 872, after the nominated governor died before taking up the post, and held it until he was killed by the Byzantines in 873.