Multitask optimization

Multi-task optimization is a paradigm in the optimization literature that focuses on solving multiple self-contained tasks simultaneously. The paradigm has been inspired by the well-established concepts of transfer learning and multi-task learning in predictive analytics. The key motivation behind multi-task optimization is that if optimization tasks are related to each other in terms of their optimal solutions or the general characteristics of their function landscapes, the search progress can be transferred to substantially accelerate the search on the other.

Multitask optimization

Multi-task optimization is a paradigm in the optimization literature that focuses on solving multiple self-contained tasks simultaneously. The paradigm has been inspired by the well-established concepts of transfer learning and multi-task learning in predictive analytics. The key motivation behind multi-task optimization is that if optimization tasks are related to each other in terms of their optimal solutions or the general characteristics of their function landscapes, the search progress can be transferred to substantially accelerate the search on the other.