Murder Goes to College

Murder Goes to College is a 1937 American comedy film directed by Charles Reisner and written by Brian Marlow, Eddie Welch and Robert Wyler. The film stars Roscoe Karns, Marsha Hunt, Lynne Overman, Buster Crabbe, Astrid Allwyn and Harvey Stephens. The film was released on February 24, 1937, by Paramount Pictures. Karns' and Overman's private-eye characters were reteamed for a sequel, Partners in Crime, later that year.

Murder Goes to College

Murder Goes to College is a 1937 American comedy film directed by Charles Reisner and written by Brian Marlow, Eddie Welch and Robert Wyler. The film stars Roscoe Karns, Marsha Hunt, Lynne Overman, Buster Crabbe, Astrid Allwyn and Harvey Stephens. The film was released on February 24, 1937, by Paramount Pictures. Karns' and Overman's private-eye characters were reteamed for a sequel, Partners in Crime, later that year.