Murder in Tarsis

Murder in Tarsis is a fantasy novel by John Maddox Roberts, set in the world of the Dragonlance, and based on the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. It is the first novel published in the "Mysteries" series in 1996 which was tied to the Forgotten Realms series as it was a first time by TSR of publishing as a theme across multiple game-worlds. In 1999 it was re-published in the Dragonlance The Classics Series.

Murder in Tarsis

Murder in Tarsis is a fantasy novel by John Maddox Roberts, set in the world of the Dragonlance, and based on the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. It is the first novel published in the "Mysteries" series in 1996 which was tied to the Forgotten Realms series as it was a first time by TSR of publishing as a theme across multiple game-worlds. In 1999 it was re-published in the Dragonlance The Classics Series.