Mute (magazine)

Mute is a British online magazine that covers a wide spectrum of subjects related to cyberculture, artistic practice, left-wing politics, urban regeneration, biopolitics, direct democracy, net art, the commons, horizontality and UK arts. In 2009, the magazine produced an anthology, Proud to be Flesh: A Mute Magazine Anthology of Cultural Politics After the Net (ISBN 978-1-906496-28-9), published by Autonomedia.

Mute (magazine)

Mute is a British online magazine that covers a wide spectrum of subjects related to cyberculture, artistic practice, left-wing politics, urban regeneration, biopolitics, direct democracy, net art, the commons, horizontality and UK arts. In 2009, the magazine produced an anthology, Proud to be Flesh: A Mute Magazine Anthology of Cultural Politics After the Net (ISBN 978-1-906496-28-9), published by Autonomedia.