
A Muthaus, also Mushaus or Moshaus (~palas)is the German term for a residential, storage or refectory (dining) building connected with a castle. It is sometimes also called a Turmhaus (literally: tower house). In the 19th century German encyclopaedia, Meyers Konversationslexikon, under the entry for "castle" it states: An important function of a Muthaus was its role as a dining hall. In South Lower Saxony and East Westphalia six such buildings have survived from the 14th century: The Mushaus of Lindau Castle * Tower house of Lichtenau Castle * The Oldenburg near Marienmünster *


A Muthaus, also Mushaus or Moshaus (~palas)is the German term for a residential, storage or refectory (dining) building connected with a castle. It is sometimes also called a Turmhaus (literally: tower house). In the 19th century German encyclopaedia, Meyers Konversationslexikon, under the entry for "castle" it states: An important function of a Muthaus was its role as a dining hall. In South Lower Saxony and East Westphalia six such buildings have survived from the 14th century: The Mushaus of Lindau Castle * Tower house of Lichtenau Castle * The Oldenburg near Marienmünster *