My Diet Pill

My Diet Pill is a rock band from Nice, France. They have released three albums and three EPs to date. Since the very beginning, the band members do everything by themselves, including recording and booking shows. My Diet Pill's popularity is bigger outside of their native country of France and, thanks to the web, they have a growing number of fans all around the world. They have played more than 500 gigs in Europe and sold over 8000 copies of their second album. Vlad e. Andrijasevic and D'argirolle write most of the lyrics and music, the arrangements are done by the band.

My Diet Pill

My Diet Pill is a rock band from Nice, France. They have released three albums and three EPs to date. Since the very beginning, the band members do everything by themselves, including recording and booking shows. My Diet Pill's popularity is bigger outside of their native country of France and, thanks to the web, they have a growing number of fans all around the world. They have played more than 500 gigs in Europe and sold over 8000 copies of their second album. Vlad e. Andrijasevic and D'argirolle write most of the lyrics and music, the arrangements are done by the band.