My Name Is Thomas

My Name Is Thomas (Italian: Il mio nome è Thomas or La chiamavano Maryam) is a 2018 Italian drama film directed by Terence Hill and starring Hill alongside Matt Patresi, Eva Basteiro-Bertoli, Veronica Bitto and Guia Jelo. The film is the return of Terence Hill since he appeared in Doc West (2009). It is produced by Luisa Tonon and Jess Hill, Terence's son, and distributed by Lux Vide, the same distributor of Don Matteo. The film is dedicated to Bud Spencer when, on 27 June 2016, before the end of the shooting of the film, Spencer died. It was released on 19 April 2018.

My Name Is Thomas

My Name Is Thomas (Italian: Il mio nome è Thomas or La chiamavano Maryam) is a 2018 Italian drama film directed by Terence Hill and starring Hill alongside Matt Patresi, Eva Basteiro-Bertoli, Veronica Bitto and Guia Jelo. The film is the return of Terence Hill since he appeared in Doc West (2009). It is produced by Luisa Tonon and Jess Hill, Terence's son, and distributed by Lux Vide, the same distributor of Don Matteo. The film is dedicated to Bud Spencer when, on 27 June 2016, before the end of the shooting of the film, Spencer died. It was released on 19 April 2018.