Mycobacterium tuberculosis sRNA

Mycobacterium tuberculosis contains at least nine small RNA families in its genome. The small RNA (sRNA) families were identified through RNomics – the direct analysis of RNA molecules isolated from cultures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The sRNAs were characterised through RACE mapping and Northern blot experiments. Secondary structures of the sRNAs were predicted using Mfold. The sRNA ncrMT1302 was found to be flanked by the MT1302 and MT1303 open reading frames. MT1302 encodes an adenylyl cyclase that converts ATP to cAMP, the expression of ncrMT1302 is regulated by cAMP and pH.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis sRNA

Mycobacterium tuberculosis contains at least nine small RNA families in its genome. The small RNA (sRNA) families were identified through RNomics – the direct analysis of RNA molecules isolated from cultures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The sRNAs were characterised through RACE mapping and Northern blot experiments. Secondary structures of the sRNAs were predicted using Mfold. The sRNA ncrMT1302 was found to be flanked by the MT1302 and MT1303 open reading frames. MT1302 encodes an adenylyl cyclase that converts ATP to cAMP, the expression of ncrMT1302 is regulated by cAMP and pH.