
The Mysterons are a fictional race of extraterrestrials and the antagonists in the 1960s British Supermarionation science-fiction television series Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967–68) and its 2005 computer-animated remake, Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet. They are the remnants of the original Mysteron race: alien beings that originated in a galaxy other than the Milky Way and maintained a colony on Mars. They are symbolised by ubiquitous, projected green rings of light and the deep bass voice of their human convert Captain Black.


The Mysterons are a fictional race of extraterrestrials and the antagonists in the 1960s British Supermarionation science-fiction television series Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967–68) and its 2005 computer-animated remake, Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet. They are the remnants of the original Mysteron race: alien beings that originated in a galaxy other than the Milky Way and maintained a colony on Mars. They are symbolised by ubiquitous, projected green rings of light and the deep bass voice of their human convert Captain Black.