N1 road (Belgium)

The N1 is a national route that connects Brussels with Antwerp and the Dutch border near Wuustwezel. Like all the nine major routes, the N1 conventionally begins at the Grand Place (Grote Markt) in central Brussels and leads to the Porte d'Anvers (Antwerpsepoort), on the R20/N0 Small Ring Road. The actual trunk road starts off at Sainctelette Square. From there it follows the Avenue du Port (Havenlaan) and Chaussée de Vilvorde (Vilvoordsesteenweg) to connect with the R21 Second Ring Road at Van Praet. The road continues its way through the Port of Brussels on the Avenue de Vilvorde (Vilvoordselaan) and passes underneath the R0's tall bridge at Vilvoorde.

N1 road (Belgium)

The N1 is a national route that connects Brussels with Antwerp and the Dutch border near Wuustwezel. Like all the nine major routes, the N1 conventionally begins at the Grand Place (Grote Markt) in central Brussels and leads to the Porte d'Anvers (Antwerpsepoort), on the R20/N0 Small Ring Road. The actual trunk road starts off at Sainctelette Square. From there it follows the Avenue du Port (Havenlaan) and Chaussée de Vilvorde (Vilvoordsesteenweg) to connect with the R21 Second Ring Road at Van Praet. The road continues its way through the Port of Brussels on the Avenue de Vilvorde (Vilvoordselaan) and passes underneath the R0's tall bridge at Vilvoorde.