NGC 6925

NGC 6925 is an unbarred spiral galaxy in the constellation Microscopium of apparent magnitude 11.3. It is lens-shaped, as it lies almost edge on to observers on Earth. It lies 3.7 degrees west-northwest of Alpha Microscopii. SN 2011ei, a Type II supernova in NGC 6925, was discovered by Stu Parker in New Zealand in July 2011.

NGC 6925

NGC 6925 is an unbarred spiral galaxy in the constellation Microscopium of apparent magnitude 11.3. It is lens-shaped, as it lies almost edge on to observers on Earth. It lies 3.7 degrees west-northwest of Alpha Microscopii. SN 2011ei, a Type II supernova in NGC 6925, was discovered by Stu Parker in New Zealand in July 2011.