NYC Resistor

NYC Resistor is a restricted membership private club hackerspace with 25 members in New York, inspired by Chaos Computer Club and other hacker organizations. The New York Times describes it as "kind of frat house for modern-day mad scientists." Its own website describes itself as "NYC Resistor is a hacker collective with a shared space located in downtown Brooklyn. We meet regularly to share knowledge, hack on projects together, and build community."

NYC Resistor

NYC Resistor is a restricted membership private club hackerspace with 25 members in New York, inspired by Chaos Computer Club and other hacker organizations. The New York Times describes it as "kind of frat house for modern-day mad scientists." Its own website describes itself as "NYC Resistor is a hacker collective with a shared space located in downtown Brooklyn. We meet regularly to share knowledge, hack on projects together, and build community."