NZASM 14 Tonner 0-4-0T

The NZASM 14 Tonner 0-4-0T of 1889 was a South African steam locomotive from the pre-Union era in Transvaal. In 1889, the Nederlandsche-Zuid-Afrikaansche Spoorweg-Maatschappij acquired its first locomotives for use on the new railway which was being constructed from Johannesburg to Boksburg. Since the railway classified its locomotives according to their weight, these well-and-side-tank locomotives were known as the 14 Tonners.

NZASM 14 Tonner 0-4-0T

The NZASM 14 Tonner 0-4-0T of 1889 was a South African steam locomotive from the pre-Union era in Transvaal. In 1889, the Nederlandsche-Zuid-Afrikaansche Spoorweg-Maatschappij acquired its first locomotives for use on the new railway which was being constructed from Johannesburg to Boksburg. Since the railway classified its locomotives according to their weight, these well-and-side-tank locomotives were known as the 14 Tonners.