Nakayama Tadachika

Nakayama Tadachika (中山 忠親, 1131 – April 23, 1195) was a Japanese court noble and writer during the late Heian and early Kamakura period and a member of the influential Fujiwara family. His works are valuable historical documents describing a pivotal period in Japanese history when power shifted from aristocratic families at the Heian court to regional military rulers such as daimyōs and shōguns.

Nakayama Tadachika

Nakayama Tadachika (中山 忠親, 1131 – April 23, 1195) was a Japanese court noble and writer during the late Heian and early Kamakura period and a member of the influential Fujiwara family. His works are valuable historical documents describing a pivotal period in Japanese history when power shifted from aristocratic families at the Heian court to regional military rulers such as daimyōs and shōguns.