Naked Evil

Naked Evil is a black-and-white independent 1966 British horror film, produced by Michael F. Johnson, and written and directed by . The film stars Basil Dingnam, Anthony Ainley, Richard Coleman and . It tells a story of voodoo activities in an all-male student hostel in a fictitious English city, where the brilliant resident students are from Jamaica and other countries in the Commonwealth realm. The bizarre events at the hostel and a local neighbourhood are investigated by a detective inspector who, with the help of a priest, comes to realise that he's not dealing with the usual sort of crime. They discover what several of the students already know: that the hostel's elderly caretaker is a Jamaican 'obi man' who is responsible for the evil that has enveloped the hostel. The film is based

Naked Evil

Naked Evil is a black-and-white independent 1966 British horror film, produced by Michael F. Johnson, and written and directed by . The film stars Basil Dingnam, Anthony Ainley, Richard Coleman and . It tells a story of voodoo activities in an all-male student hostel in a fictitious English city, where the brilliant resident students are from Jamaica and other countries in the Commonwealth realm. The bizarre events at the hostel and a local neighbourhood are investigated by a detective inspector who, with the help of a priest, comes to realise that he's not dealing with the usual sort of crime. They discover what several of the students already know: that the hostel's elderly caretaker is a Jamaican 'obi man' who is responsible for the evil that has enveloped the hostel. The film is based