Naked Lunch (UK band)

Naked Lunch are an English band formed in 1979, by Tony Mayo (aka Anthony Malpass) who advertised for like-minded people in the Melody Maker. Mick Clarke replied and they then moved into a flat to work on further material. In preparation to play live further members were advertised for and Tim Yorke, Paul Nicholas Davies and Cliff Chapman joined and then, in 1981, by Mark Irving who replaced Yorke.

Naked Lunch (UK band)

Naked Lunch are an English band formed in 1979, by Tony Mayo (aka Anthony Malpass) who advertised for like-minded people in the Melody Maker. Mick Clarke replied and they then moved into a flat to work on further material. In preparation to play live further members were advertised for and Tim Yorke, Paul Nicholas Davies and Cliff Chapman joined and then, in 1981, by Mark Irving who replaced Yorke.