National Indigenous Music Awards 2019

The National Indigenous Music Awards 2019 are the 16th annual National Indigenous Music Awards. The nominations were announced on 18 July 2019 and the awards ceremony was held on 12 August 2019. NIMA Reference Group Chair, Warren H. Williams said "In the past year, Indigenous music has continued its meteoric rise to the top of music in Australia, pushing boundaries and finding its place at the forefront of art in our country. The NIMAs follows that rise ready to recognise and amplify the voices of our musicians on their journey upwards."

National Indigenous Music Awards 2019

The National Indigenous Music Awards 2019 are the 16th annual National Indigenous Music Awards. The nominations were announced on 18 July 2019 and the awards ceremony was held on 12 August 2019. NIMA Reference Group Chair, Warren H. Williams said "In the past year, Indigenous music has continued its meteoric rise to the top of music in Australia, pushing boundaries and finding its place at the forefront of art in our country. The NIMAs follows that rise ready to recognise and amplify the voices of our musicians on their journey upwards."