National Institute for Trial Advocacy

The National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) is an American not-for-profit organization that provides lawyers with training in trial advocacy skills. NITA's founding was brought about in 1971 by the Committee on Advocacy of the Section on Judicial Administration of the American Bar Association, which was trying to address a critical shortage of competent trial attorneys. A group of law professors and lawyers concluded that learning-by-doing trial training was the best approach towards filling this gap. NITA's inaugural National Session was held June 25 to July 21, 1972, at the University of Colorado Boulder.

National Institute for Trial Advocacy

The National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) is an American not-for-profit organization that provides lawyers with training in trial advocacy skills. NITA's founding was brought about in 1971 by the Committee on Advocacy of the Section on Judicial Administration of the American Bar Association, which was trying to address a critical shortage of competent trial attorneys. A group of law professors and lawyers concluded that learning-by-doing trial training was the best approach towards filling this gap. NITA's inaugural National Session was held June 25 to July 21, 1972, at the University of Colorado Boulder.