National Pupil Database

In the United Kingdom, the National Pupil Database (NPD) is controlled by the Department for Education, based on multiple data collections from individuals age 2-21 in state funded education and Higher Education in England. Data are matched using pupil names, dates of birth and other personal and school characteristics, including special educational needs, disability, and indicators for free school meals, a child in care, and families in the armed forces. Personal details are linked to pupils' attainment and exam results over a lifetime school attendance.

National Pupil Database

In the United Kingdom, the National Pupil Database (NPD) is controlled by the Department for Education, based on multiple data collections from individuals age 2-21 in state funded education and Higher Education in England. Data are matched using pupil names, dates of birth and other personal and school characteristics, including special educational needs, disability, and indicators for free school meals, a child in care, and families in the armed forces. Personal details are linked to pupils' attainment and exam results over a lifetime school attendance.