National Socialist Union of Finland

The National Socialist Union of Finland (Suomen Kansallissosialistinen Liitto, SKSL), later Finnish-Socialist Party (Suomalaissosialistinen puolue) was Finnish nationalist and socialist political party active in the 1930s, whose driving force and ideologue was Professor Yrjö Ruutu. With an ideology based on Ruutu's own theories, the party came to reject orthodox German Nazism. A minor fringe party, it received 1,406 votes in the 1933 Finnish parliamentary election.

National Socialist Union of Finland

The National Socialist Union of Finland (Suomen Kansallissosialistinen Liitto, SKSL), later Finnish-Socialist Party (Suomalaissosialistinen puolue) was Finnish nationalist and socialist political party active in the 1930s, whose driving force and ideologue was Professor Yrjö Ruutu. With an ideology based on Ruutu's own theories, the party came to reject orthodox German Nazism. A minor fringe party, it received 1,406 votes in the 1933 Finnish parliamentary election.