National Youth

National Youth (Swedish: Nationell ungdom) was a Swedish neofascist and openly racist organisation. National Youth was closely linked with the Swedish Resistance Movement. SÄPO classified it as a white power organisation and Expo classified it as a Nazi organisation. The group became famous in the summer of 1998 for tearing down photographs of nude boys at the . The reason behind the action was to protest against paedophilia and "degenerate art". The exhibition was closed down after the event.

National Youth

National Youth (Swedish: Nationell ungdom) was a Swedish neofascist and openly racist organisation. National Youth was closely linked with the Swedish Resistance Movement. SÄPO classified it as a white power organisation and Expo classified it as a Nazi organisation. The group became famous in the summer of 1998 for tearing down photographs of nude boys at the . The reason behind the action was to protest against paedophilia and "degenerate art". The exhibition was closed down after the event.