Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center

NFESC, the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (Formerly NCEL, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory) in Port Hueneme, California, provides engineering services, technology testing, specialized facilities, and expertise in these facilities. The organization is centered on a primary customer: the United States federal government, specifically branches of the Department of Defense, the Navy, and the Marine Corps, although it does conduct business with a variety of other government and private organizations.

Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center

NFESC, the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (Formerly NCEL, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory) in Port Hueneme, California, provides engineering services, technology testing, specialized facilities, and expertise in these facilities. The organization is centered on a primary customer: the United States federal government, specifically branches of the Department of Defense, the Navy, and the Marine Corps, although it does conduct business with a variety of other government and private organizations.