Nechtan Morbet

Nechtan, son of Erip, was the king of the Picts from 456 to 480. The king lists supply a number of epithets for Nechtan: Morbet and Celchamoth and the Latin Magnus (the Great). He is said to have reigned for twenty-four years. In a rare change from a bald statement of names and years, the king lists provide a tradition linking Nechtan to the foundation of Abernethy: A life of Saint Boite, after whom Monasterboice is named, claims that Boite raised Nechtan from the dead, and associated him with Kirkbuddo in Strathmore. Nothing else can be said of Nechtan with any certainty.

Nechtan Morbet

Nechtan, son of Erip, was the king of the Picts from 456 to 480. The king lists supply a number of epithets for Nechtan: Morbet and Celchamoth and the Latin Magnus (the Great). He is said to have reigned for twenty-four years. In a rare change from a bald statement of names and years, the king lists provide a tradition linking Nechtan to the foundation of Abernethy: A life of Saint Boite, after whom Monasterboice is named, claims that Boite raised Nechtan from the dead, and associated him with Kirkbuddo in Strathmore. Nothing else can be said of Nechtan with any certainty.