
Necrofauna are species that were previously extinct and have been biologically revived or recreated by the process of de-extinction. Necrofauna are proxies or imitations of their former species and not identical replicas. Due to a number of technological, biological and environmental factors, they are considered a new type organism altogether. Revive and Restore, a nonprofit organization that supports pursuing de-extinction research with transparency to the public, describes the creation of necrofauna as a result of “transfer[ing] the genes that define the extinct species into the genome of the related species, effectively converting it into a living version of the extinct creature."


Necrofauna are species that were previously extinct and have been biologically revived or recreated by the process of de-extinction. Necrofauna are proxies or imitations of their former species and not identical replicas. Due to a number of technological, biological and environmental factors, they are considered a new type organism altogether. Revive and Restore, a nonprofit organization that supports pursuing de-extinction research with transparency to the public, describes the creation of necrofauna as a result of “transfer[ing] the genes that define the extinct species into the genome of the related species, effectively converting it into a living version of the extinct creature."