Nederlandsche vogelen

Nederlandsche vogelen (English: Dutch birds) is a five volume Dutch natural history compendium by Cornelius Nozeman and Christiaan Sepp, published in Amsterdam from 1770. It was published in installments and was finished in 1829. It was the first comprehensive avifauna of the Netherlands (which temporarily included Belgium during 1815 - 1830). Each volume contains 50 images of bird species. Apart from these images, each species is described on a few text pages.

Nederlandsche vogelen

Nederlandsche vogelen (English: Dutch birds) is a five volume Dutch natural history compendium by Cornelius Nozeman and Christiaan Sepp, published in Amsterdam from 1770. It was published in installments and was finished in 1829. It was the first comprehensive avifauna of the Netherlands (which temporarily included Belgium during 1815 - 1830). Each volume contains 50 images of bird species. Apart from these images, each species is described on a few text pages.