Neighborhoods in Manchester, New Hampshire

Manchester, the largest city in New Hampshire, is made up of 25 neighborhoods, according to the Manchester Planning Board in its 2010 master plan. Recognition of particular neighborhoods varies, with some having neighborhood associations, but none have any legal or political authority. The major neighborhoods, historically, include Amoskeag, Rimmon Heights, Notre Dame/McGregorville and Piscataquog/Granite Square on the West Side; and the North End, Janeville/Corey Square, Hallsville and Bakersville on the East Side; along with Youngsville and Goffes Falls on the periphery of the city.

Neighborhoods in Manchester, New Hampshire

Manchester, the largest city in New Hampshire, is made up of 25 neighborhoods, according to the Manchester Planning Board in its 2010 master plan. Recognition of particular neighborhoods varies, with some having neighborhood associations, but none have any legal or political authority. The major neighborhoods, historically, include Amoskeag, Rimmon Heights, Notre Dame/McGregorville and Piscataquog/Granite Square on the West Side; and the North End, Janeville/Corey Square, Hallsville and Bakersville on the East Side; along with Youngsville and Goffes Falls on the periphery of the city.