Nelly Drell

Nelly Drell is an Estonian artist. She was born October 19, 1979, in Tallinn. As a child she was interested in art and while studying in Pelgulinna Secondary School she participated in extracurricular activities at the Kullo Art Centre and Kevade Street Art School. After graduating high school she carried on studying painting in 1998-2000 at the Estonian Academy of Arts. She studied at Miami University from 2000 to 2001 where she received her bachelor's degree and from 2001 to 2003 at the New York Academy of Art where she gained a master's degree in painting.

Nelly Drell

Nelly Drell is an Estonian artist. She was born October 19, 1979, in Tallinn. As a child she was interested in art and while studying in Pelgulinna Secondary School she participated in extracurricular activities at the Kullo Art Centre and Kevade Street Art School. After graduating high school she carried on studying painting in 1998-2000 at the Estonian Academy of Arts. She studied at Miami University from 2000 to 2001 where she received her bachelor's degree and from 2001 to 2003 at the New York Academy of Art where she gained a master's degree in painting.