
The Nemetes (occasionally Nemeti) were a tribe settled along the Upper Rhine by Ariovistus in the 1st century BC.Their capital, Noviomagus Nemeton (or Civitas Nemetum), was close to the site of medieval Speyer. The name of the Nemetes has been suggested, on contestable grounds, as a possible source of the term for Germany and German people in Romanian: nemți/neamț, Hungarian: német(ek) and the Slavic languages (Russian: немцы nyemtsy, Polish: Niemcy, Czech: Němci).


The Nemetes (occasionally Nemeti) were a tribe settled along the Upper Rhine by Ariovistus in the 1st century BC.Their capital, Noviomagus Nemeton (or Civitas Nemetum), was close to the site of medieval Speyer. The name of the Nemetes has been suggested, on contestable grounds, as a possible source of the term for Germany and German people in Romanian: nemți/neamț, Hungarian: német(ek) and the Slavic languages (Russian: немцы nyemtsy, Polish: Niemcy, Czech: Němci).