Neptune Herring Oil Factory

The Neptune Herring Oil Factory (Norwegian: Neptun sildeoljefabrikk) is a former industry in the town of Melbu in Norway's Vesterålen district. It has been given cultural heritage status. The factory was set up in 1910. For a long time, production was based on herring. When herring was no longer available as raw material, the factory switched to using capelin. In the 1980s, the supply of this fish as raw material also failed, and the factory shut down in 1987. All of its equipment was sold to Morocco.

Neptune Herring Oil Factory

The Neptune Herring Oil Factory (Norwegian: Neptun sildeoljefabrikk) is a former industry in the town of Melbu in Norway's Vesterålen district. It has been given cultural heritage status. The factory was set up in 1910. For a long time, production was based on herring. When herring was no longer available as raw material, the factory switched to using capelin. In the 1980s, the supply of this fish as raw material also failed, and the factory shut down in 1987. All of its equipment was sold to Morocco.