Nerses Krikorian

Nerses "Krik" Krikorian (January 1921 – April 18, 2018) was an Armenian-American chemist and intelligence officer at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is best known for his work on high-temperature chemistry. An Armenian genocide survivor, he arrived in the US at 4 and studied at Niagara University. He was involved in the Manhattan Project and by the time of his death was one of the last living scientists involved in it.

Nerses Krikorian

Nerses "Krik" Krikorian (January 1921 – April 18, 2018) was an Armenian-American chemist and intelligence officer at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is best known for his work on high-temperature chemistry. An Armenian genocide survivor, he arrived in the US at 4 and studied at Niagara University. He was involved in the Manhattan Project and by the time of his death was one of the last living scientists involved in it.