Nestor the Chronicler

Saint Nestor the Chronicler (Old East Slavic: Несторъ Лѣтописецъ; c. 1056 – c. 1114, in Principality of Kiev, Kievan Rus') was the reputed author of the Primary Chronicle (the earliest East Slavic chronicle) Life of the Venerable Theodosius of the Kiev Caves, and Account about the Life and Martyrdom of the Blessed Passion Bearers Boris and Gleb.

Nestor the Chronicler

Saint Nestor the Chronicler (Old East Slavic: Несторъ Лѣтописецъ; c. 1056 – c. 1114, in Principality of Kiev, Kievan Rus') was the reputed author of the Primary Chronicle (the earliest East Slavic chronicle) Life of the Venerable Theodosius of the Kiev Caves, and Account about the Life and Martyrdom of the Blessed Passion Bearers Boris and Gleb.