Neuhof Substation

Neuhof Substation is a 110 kV substation in Neuhof, an urban part of Bad Sachsa, Lower Saxony. The Neuhof substation went in service in 1985 and was connected with a 110 kV-powerline for three phase alternating current with the Wolkramshausen substation in former East Germany. It was therefore one of the few substations in former West Germany, into which electricity from GDR was fed. Through the Neuhof substation up to 40 MVA could be imported. Up to 25 MVA of the imported power could be fed via 5 rotary motor-generators, which were manufactured by Siemens and used for the compensation of frequency fluctuations of the East German power grid, into the power grid of West Germany. Additionally power was fed directly from the East German power grid into the grids of Bad Sachsa, Walkenried, Zor

Neuhof Substation

Neuhof Substation is a 110 kV substation in Neuhof, an urban part of Bad Sachsa, Lower Saxony. The Neuhof substation went in service in 1985 and was connected with a 110 kV-powerline for three phase alternating current with the Wolkramshausen substation in former East Germany. It was therefore one of the few substations in former West Germany, into which electricity from GDR was fed. Through the Neuhof substation up to 40 MVA could be imported. Up to 25 MVA of the imported power could be fed via 5 rotary motor-generators, which were manufactured by Siemens and used for the compensation of frequency fluctuations of the East German power grid, into the power grid of West Germany. Additionally power was fed directly from the East German power grid into the grids of Bad Sachsa, Walkenried, Zor